Primolicious LLC
Creating Products That Inform and Entertain For Communities With a Shared Passion
Creating Websites
Primolicious actively seeks out and develops websites around topics that interest us, with a focus on communities of people who share our passions. Jason also has a background in website application development and has worked with many companies, large and small. Here's three of our largest communities.
Amazing Food Made Easy®
Helping you create amazing food at home
Produce Converter
Accurate measurements for busy cooks
Vegetable Garden Planner
Gardening information and planning
Publishing Cookbooks
Whether you are an adventurous home cook or just want to learn about the latest cooking trends, Primolicious has you covered. After publishing 12 books and counting Primolicious can help you learn all the latest cooking methods. Jason is one of the best selling authors of modernist cookbooks and has sold more than 60,000 copies and has an Amazon best seller to his name.
Modernist Cooking Made Easy: Sous Vide
The definitive guide to sous vide cooking
Modernist Cooking Made Easy: Infusions
Making flavored alcohol, vinegar and oil
Modernist Cooking Made Easy: Party Foods
Amaze your friends with these modernist dishes
Modernist Cooking Made Easy: Getting Started
Learn all the basics of modernist cooking
Sous Vide: Help For The Busy Cook
Learn how to work sous vide into your busy schedule
Modernist Cooking Made Easy: The Whipping Siphon
Whip, carbonate, and foam your way to delicious food
Beginning Sous Vide
Low temperature recipes and techniques for getting started at home
Sous Vide Grilling
The best recipes and techniques for using your grill with sous vide
Primolicious in the News
Primolicious and it's team are often in the news.
The New York Times
Jason was interviewed by the New York Times about his work in sous vide cooking and was quoted along with Thomas Keller.
La Presse
La Presse interviewed and quoted Jason heavily for their article on the advances in sous vide cooking.
Gourmia Press Release
Jason was quoted in the Gourmia press release about the partnership between Amazing Food Made Easy® and Gourmia.
NCIS: New Orleans
Primolicious' books were featured in an episode of NCIS: New Orleans.
Food Blogger Pro Podcast
Jason was interviewed by Bjork from Food Blogger Pro for episode 55 of their podcast. Jason talked about his experiences with self publishing and how he got started in modernist cooking and blogging.
Hungry Squared Podcast
Jason was the "Special Guest" for episode 8 of the Hungry Squared podcast and talked about sous vide, infusions, and the whipping siphon.
Umami: At the Table with Jason Logsdon
Umami profiled Jason for their "At the Table" series of articles exploring the upcoming voices in cooking.
Cilantro: Expert Interview Series with Jason Logsdon
As part of their "Expert Interview Series", Cilantro did an in-depth profile on Jason discussing his views on modernist cooking.
Who We Are
Primolicious is a father-son family-run company and here is our team.
Gary Logsdon Equipment Testing • QA • Site Optimizations
Gary is in charge of testing all of the equipment, proofing and editing content, and developing website optimizations.
Jason Logsdon Cookbook Author • Blogger • Web Developer • Presenter
Jason is the lead author, recipe developer, web developer and photographer. He loves creating content and helping people expand their knowledge.
Barb Logsdon Vice President of Grunt Work • Accounting and Taxes
Barb handles a little bit of everything, including some social media and content creation as well as article and book proofing and photography.
Want to Work With Primolicious?
Whether you are a brand, a blogger, or a chef there are lots of ways to work with Primolicious, Jason Logsdon and Amazing Food Made Easy®. Here's a few of the more popular ones.
Equipment Reviews
Have something adventurous cooks would love to use? From sous vide machines and vacuum sealers to knives and pans, Primolicious reviews the best equipment for their readers.
Book Wholesaling
All of Primolicious' books are available for wholesaling to select companies.
Custom Guides
Do you have a piece of equipment that needs recipes to go with it? Primolicious has worked with Gourmia, Modernist Pantry, and others to develop the custom guides they are using.
Speaking Engagements
Does your conference need to inform and inspire? Jason can share his insights and experiences in either presentations or panels.
Creating an article, TV show, or podcast and need insight into sous vide or modernist cooking? Jason makes himself available for interviews with select publications.
Advertise Your Products
With more than 150,000 pageviews a month and a newsletter of more than 10,000 people, Amazing Food Made Easy® makes it a snap to reach a new audience.